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Posts published in “Features”

Jail Mail

Editor, A blessing in disguise! Do I have any friends? I’d like to know. / Because the friends that I have they hurt me so.…

Mendo Media

My uncle, the late 5th District Supervisor Joe Scaramella, was an avid reader all his life. He described the county’s media during his tour in…

Facebook & Football

Due to the modern miracle (or curse) that is the Internet, and due to one of its miraculous (or demonic) offshoots, Facebook, an invention which…

Valley People 1/27/2010

WHEN 128 COLLAPSED last week and stayed collapsed not far from the Sonoma County line for three days, locals got in and outtahere either by…

Off the Record

This week: Jameson Jackson gets out of jail, Carmel Angelo takes on Marvin Trotter, Ayn Rand's balls, Bosk vs. Sako and much more...

Still Running from the Law

It's about 11 pm, and I'm driving home after a show at the Caspar Inn. As I pass Safeway on Highway 1, the CHP cop who's been trailing me since I literally left my parking space in Caspar decides it's time:

Running from the Law, Mendo Coast-Style

Have you been unwilling or afraid to drive somewhere because you might unknowingly have one of your license plate lights out, momentarily speed a little bit, or maybe your car might break down and you have to leave it for 30 minutes unattended? Well, you are not alone.
