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Posts published in “Features”

The 1970s

At a New Year's Eve gathering in Phoenix, a twenty-something kid to whom I had just been introduced looked me over and said, "Man, it must have been cool to have been alive in the…

The Greatest Pianist Ever

It’s almost impossible to evoke good music in print, especially the dazzling and extraordinary sound of the world’s greatest pianist, Art Tatum. But, that’s not for lack of trying. Here’s a sampling of what fellow…

Mendo Arts…Living Treasures

“Living Treasures” are those elders in a community recognized as having special knowledge, learned over a lifetime, that they share with others. These folks usually aren’t rich or college educated but they possess a mental…

Off the Record

This week: Velveeta vs. Smoked Gouda, Rhetorical overkill in SoCo, Lehan retires and much more

Valley People

THE BOONVILLE SALOON enjoyed a great holiday season, and proprietors Lisa and Marsha were particularly happy with their New Year celebrants. They said the bar was full of well-behaved people and they remain grateful to…

Off the Record

This week: Wife beaters in Ukiah, The Major's prediction, Congressman Corktop's war games and much more.

Valley People

GONE IN 2010 but not forgotten: Guido Pronsolino J. Robert ‘Bob’ Mathias Dustin Dilley Frances Sylvia Martin Dick Sand Thomas Charles ‘Tom’ Smith JoAnne Wyant Patricia ‘Pat’ (Noonan) Erickson Elwin Maxey Warren ‘Skip’ Harris Rosalie…

Letters to the Editor

THE EAST COAST BLIZZARD Editor, What a glorious, glorious old time blizzard! It is sooooo beautiful, and the plows can't keep up with the drifts. In returning from Manhattan, where I went to see the…

Movie Review: The Fighter

Hollywood produces frauds From lives that once had meat; No one in the know applauds Hollywood’s latest feat When it produces movies of Redemption. Triumph. Real love. * * * I like watching boxing like…
