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Posts published in “Features”

Off The Record

TO READ THE MENDO listserves one might think a radioactive cloud was already half way from Japan to Albion and Greenfield Ranch. It's probably that same hysterical demographic, the Y2K people, who have already bought…

Valley People

THE LONG ANTICIPATED opening of Buckhorn, Boonville, occurs Wednesday night with "a soft opening," meaning a kind of trial run for invited guests. Then, the very next night, St. Patrick's day, Tom Towey and Crew…

Hillary Clinton: “We’re Losing The War”

None other than the US Secretary of State herself, Hillary Clinton, paid fulsome tribute to Al Jazeera last Wednesday, March 2. Appearing before a US Foreign Policy Priorities committee, she was asked by Senator Richard…

Very Questionable Food

My earliest memory is a hazy but lasting one. I was around five years old at most, with my father, fishing on the beach where we so luckily lived. He caught one, a big silver…

Myth & History

Historical facts. Hmm. When I was attending UC Santa Cruz in the late 1960’s (and I really did do that) Norman O. Brown came to teach at our newborn college. His course Myth & History was open to undergrads, so I signed up to hear what the famous man had to say.

Lessons Of The Oscars

Think back all of a week or less — an eternity as measured by the ADHD chronometers of pop culture — to the conclusion of the Oscar pageant in the Kodak Theatre in Hollywood last…

Twenty Years Old, Grange Variety Show The Best Ever

Jews harps, kazoos, and accordions. The county’s big­gest oak dance floor and the world’s smallest cow. A Medicare-eligible woman hanging upside down from the ceiling and pre-pubescent divas with broken hearts. Bearded ballerinas. A show…

Letters To The Editor

THE LITTLE PEOPLE Dear Colonel: My apologies for the sudden spate of communications, but I had to comment on the February 23 Todd Walton piece on the Bushmen. It cemented his place in my gallery…

Book Up On Diabetes, Doc

Editor, A Short-Term Death Sentence — On February 19 while in Mendocino County Jail I was tested at 4am and had low blood sugar of 59. I was given 25 units of Lantus but I…
