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Posts published in “Features”

Letters To The Editor

KEEP THE CODE Editor, Something Wicked This Way Comes is, of course, the famous line from the Shakespearean play Macbeth, which forewarns of an impending ominous, dangerous and traitorous entity. Fast-forward from the seventeenth century,…

What’s Next For The 49ers?

Since the NFC Championship football game a couple of weekends ago when the New York Giants defeated the San Francisco 49ers, I have read several sports articles in which the 49er loss was pinned on…


Marcia and I were walking on Big River Beach yesterday, the wet sand firm underfoot—Big River swollen and muddy from the recent deluge, a light rain falling.

Angels We Have Heard While High

One of the more depressing experiences related to drug use is being compelled to listen to somebody trying to convey some "cosmic" revelation they had while under the influence. But there are rare exceptions. E.g.:…

Goodbye, Gingrich?

Sick with disappointment that I missed the Tin-Tin movie showing in Eureka, I had to settle for Obama’s State of the Union and Thursday’s Republican debate in Jacksonville. Await a presidential State of the Union…

Landmark Trees

Scattered through the mountains surrounding Anderson Valley are many natural openings that had been in grass mostly since man came to the Valley. Over the last hundred years or so the open land has been…

Passing Strange II

Last fall I wrote a short piece, ‘Passing Strange,’ about the detention of my son, Franklin, by Customs and Immigration officials at Heathrow Airport. Franklin had flown to the United Kingdom in early September to…

Off The Record

FOX NEWS and related rightwing blowhards aside, during WWII the national debt was more than 100% of Gross Domestic Product, which it will probably be again soon. To beat back crippling debt, FDR, a member…

Mendocino County Today: February 1, 2012

SHOULD THE WINEGRAPE and Wine Commission be disbanded? Absolutely. But a hearing sponsored by the California Department of Food and Agriculture began at 9am Wednesday (today) at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center at 200 South…
