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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: August 30, 2012

AN APPARENT wind shift caused smoke from the rampaging Pass Fire northeast of Covelo to blanket much of Mendocino County, including smoke so thick in the Anderson Valley its surrounding ridgetops were obscured. The fire,…

Letters To The Editor

AARON BASSLER Letter to the Editor As an extremely frustrated father and community member I feel the District Attorney’s report on the police shooting of Aaron Bassler shows clearly the need for change in the…

Underachievers, Please Try Harder

Up A Twee: When feeling sad in a natural way, which is about 99% of the time since the Dodgers traded for Adrian Gonzalez and Hanley Ramirez, I play Camera Obscura on the stereo and…

River Views

This edition of the AVA hits the streets on August 29th; on the same day in 1892 traveling salesman Whitcomb Judson was issued a patent for his shoe clasp locker, a metal fastening device for…


“I was thrown out of college for cheating on the metaphysics exam; I looked into the soul of the boy sitting next to me.” — Woody Allen So…Melky Cabrera, the star outfielder of our San…

The Joy Of Sea Glass

As an inveterate, sometimes professional, forager, scanning wet sand and gravel for colorful fragments of glass is routine stuff. As far as that goes, I grew up pawing through heaps of sea glass, at Fort…

Mendocino County Today: August 29, 2012

CAL FIRE said Tuesday afternoon that the Pass fire burning northeast of Covelo had destroyed four homes and seven outbuildings and had grown overnight by about 3,500 acres, bringing the total acreage consumed by the…

Valley People

LAURA WOOD has died at age 64. Laura was sister to Charlotte Triplett and mother of Alex Wood, both of the Anderson Valley. Laura lived in the Anderson Valley for many years before moving to…

Off The Record

CORRECTION. Libby Crawford of Ukiah, correctly identified as companion to Dr. Peter Keegan, also of Ukiah, was incorrectly identified here last week as a member of the Crawford Ranch family. Ms. Crawford is not related…
