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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: December 23, 2013

CORRECTION: JOHN BARTLETT of Hopland is not responsible for the controversial Christmas display we incorrectly attributed to him. We deeply regret the error. Apologies to Chief Bartlett. ============================= THE KALEIDOSCOPIC TONES OF CHRISTMAS Heinrich Schütz’s "Christmas…

Mendocino County Today: December 22, 2013

FISHING THE NIGHT DEPOSIT BOX. An arrest has been made in a series of thefts involving bank deposits being fished out of banks, the Fort Bragg Police Department said Friday. According to the FBPD, a…

Mendocino County Today: December 21, 2013

KZYX MANAGER John Coate has announced that Paul Lambert will stop doing the local news as of December 24. Between December 25 and January 2, KZYX won't run local news apart from travel advisories and…

Mendocino County Today: December 20, 2013

PROBABLY TEN YEARS AGO, I was an occasional correspondent with a guy doing a long stretch in an iso unit at Pelican Bay State Prison. He was confined to the “Security Housing Unit” on an…

Letters To The Editor

THE TREE CONSPIRACY Editor, Regarding a couple of recent stories in the Journal; I drove down Mill Street today and took a look at those redwood trees in front of the Journal's building, in the…

Mendocino County Today: December 19, 2013

BRIAN BLUMBURG, a long-time resident of Anderson Valley, died of a heart attack yesterday (Wednesday) at his home in Navarro. An unfailingly genial man, Brian was best known as the highly skilled proprietor of Anderson…

Off The Record

THE CITY OF WILLITS is talking about water ration­ing. The failure of winter rains to appear is beginning to worry everyone from firefighters to water bureaucrats. A big fire is burning in Big Sur. It's…

Valley People

EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called mari­juana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…

Mendocino County Today: December 18, 2013

EXCUSE ME, but is it any secret that the economy of Anderson Valley runs on dual intoxicants called marijuana and wine? Why, then, would the local school board and its feckless (and wildly overpaid) attorneys…
