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Posts published in “Features”

Valley People (July 2, 2014)

TWO LOCAL CALLERS this week were alarmed at the swathes of dead trees they could see on Mendocino Redwood Company land to the northwest. MRC uses an herbicide to kill non-commercial trees. Another local said the men who do the hacking and squirting, are ferried to the work site in a white vans with a white pump/hose truck bearing the logo “Great Tree Tenders — Rehabilitation and Restoration.” And, in smaller print, “Farm Labor Contractor.”

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Highway Tragedy;
Water Money;
KZYX Spitgate;
Mental Health Dollars;
Catch of the Day;
Body Found;
Ukiah Quarantine;
Willits Outage;
Writers Conference;
Napa-Lake Fire;
Troop Tripping;
Ma Joad;
Worst Presidents;
Stock Market

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Water Trough Era;
Nash Mill Weed;
Boonville Fourth;
Good Sandwich;
Water Rights;
Engr Rules;
Mental Health;
Highway Tragedy;
Catch of the Day;
Firewood Permits;
Missing Diver;
Goodbye Viola;
Ukiah Inhalations;
Common Entertainment;
Modern Crucifixions;
Tax Reforms

Mendocino County Today: Monday, June 30, 2014

State Parks Funding;
Abalone Respite;
Diver Death;
Paget-Seekins Injured;
Cannabis Cup;
Not So Simple;
Catch of the Day;
What's Happened;
Perpetrating Hooptedoodle;
State Water Issues

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, June 29, 2014

Happy Crazy Talk;
How Old is Old;
More Sex;
Reagan's Homeless;
Progressive Wing;
Regional Warmaking;
Catch of the Day;
Look Back;
GMO Deception;
Drilling Loophole;
Andy Owes Craig

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, June 28, 2014

County Budget;
Public Transit, 1912;
Tiresome Amusements;
Rural Skills;
Addressing Inequality;
Populist Manifesto;
Catch of the Day;
Crime of the Day;
Humco Rising;
Living with Drones;
Tunnels Bad;
Watergate Memories

Mendocino County Today: Friday, June 27, 2014

Water Legislation;
Rolling in Grass;
SEIU Sued;
Civic Incompetence;
The Man I Killed;
Democracy or Dictatorship;
Catch of the Day;
Don't Meth & Drive;
OpenSource Everything;
Contact Craig;
Poison Tree Campaign

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, June 26, 2014

AIM Comes to Willits;
Another No-hitter;
Judge Nelson Dies;
Crime Week;
300 Berets;
Take the I Out;
Catch of the Day;
All About Whistleblowers;

Letters (June 25, 2014)

I have received a report that the manager of Raley’s in Ukiah is hassling petitioners. Here is the report, followed by an explanation of the recent settlement with the County and changes in the Sheriff’s policies concerning free speech and petitioning.
