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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Mar 26, 2015

Old Coast Hotel Hearing;
Standing Dead Trees;
Food Waste Contract;
Yesterday's Catch;
Logging Conference;
California Drought Legislation;
Officer Krupke;
California's Epic Drought;
Huffman Opposes USPS Closures

Letters (Mar 25, 2015)

While I am glad to see the state taking some action toward conserving water and planning for the future, I am appalled it took this long. I am also amazed the state hasn’t gone after the biggest users of water in California: the manufacturing and agricultural industries. With a significant amount of California’s water being used in those industries, even if we, as citizens, do our best to conserve water, California’s “appropriative” water rights encourage poor water-use practices. If the state wants to get serious about the drought, it needs to drastically change our current water rights.

Valley People (Mar 25, 2015)

THE RAMBLING WRECK RICARD BUILDING in downtown Boonville will be on next month's Community Services District Board agenda. Director Hanelt was expecting to meet with County Environmental Health Director Dave Jensen this week. Reportedly, Jensen “is aware of the building.” Trustee Neil Darling raised the possibility of an eminent domain acquisition of the property if it can be converted to a “public purpose” such as a parking lot.

Off the Record (Mar 25, 2015)

WE DON'T UNDERSTAND why Lt. John Naulty wasn't named Fort Bragg's Chief of Police. We understand he was one of four finalists, with the top spot going to an LAPD cop named Fabian Lizarraga. Naulty, at the risk of his life, put himself in the path of that rampaging Oregon lunatic almost two years ago now, preventing that particular mad dog from killing anybody else after he'd already gunned downed popular Coast Deputy Ricky Del Fiorentino. On the basis of that act alone, the job should have gone to Naulty.

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015

Hearing Delayed;
Hare Creek Vote;
CPR Rescue;
Police Reports;
Yesterday's Catch;
Insurance Case;
AVHC Update;
PD Coverage;
Mobile Alert;
Restraining Order;
The Torture;
Fraidy Cats;
Regulating Groundwater;
Borland's Decision;
Police Work;
Garden Party;
VA Access;
Weed Water;
Hate Map;
Lighthouse Concert;
KMEC Show;
Museum Exhibit

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Mar 24, 2015

Need Rain;
Saturday Brunch;
Boonville Services;
Best Things;
Yesterday's Catch;
KZYX Ballots;
Mendocino County Line;
Reservoir Shrinking;
Pesticide Man;
Propagating Redwoods;
Asphalt EIR;
Michael-Brown Nation;
River Whithering;
Wildlife Films;
Feinsteins Again;
Ghost Buses;
Author Support;
Hospice Training;
Groundwater Law;
Cloverdale Jazz;
Campground Hosts;
Arts Website;
Library Event
