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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Friday, Dec 18, 2015

Stoners Clash;
Lightning Damage;
Wet Weather;
KZYX Miracle;
Civic Breakdown;
Caltrans Christmas;
Auto Mechanics;
Masonite Incentives;
Pedestrian View;
Drug Bust;
Diversion Tussle;
School Lockdown;
Yesterday's Catch;
War Machine;
Work Ethic;
Salmon Count

How Guns Make People Stupid

'There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear." 1 John 4:18

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Dec 17, 2015

Fire Cleanup;
Ukiah Costco;
Jefferson State;
Sky Lanterns;
Russian Sandbar;
MendoTown Plan;
Chipotle Ukiah;
Warrant Wednesday;
Emerald Cup;
Yesterday's Catch;
Debate Game;
Country Rankings;
Money Classes;
Giving Project;
CRV Weekend;
Bad Movie;
Market Jazz;
Coast Marten;
Hatchery Numbers;
Film Screening;
Sako Pleased

Valley People (Dec 16, 2015)

LAST FRIDAY AFTERNOON, a combination of high swells at the mouth of the Navarro River and heavy rains caused the river to back up and rise up more than two feet on Highway 128, closing…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Dec 16, 2015

Ortner Denounced;
Press Same-o-crat;
Raise Discussion;
Timber Claims;
Cellphone Mugging;
Roach Clip;
Assessing JHK;
Christmas Singalong;
Yesterday's Catch;
American Tolerance;
Gardens Giving;
Culinary Class;
American Politicians;
Climate Deal;
Klamath Agreements;
Drought Bill

Off the Record (Dec 16, 2015)

THE SUPERVISORS have approved a 16 percent pay raise for District Attorney David Eyster and a 10 percent raise for Sheriff Tom Allman. Supervisors McCowen and Woodhouse wanted to give Eyster more to ensure he…

Letters (Dec 16, 2015)

A few weeks ago in Off The Record, you had some unkind words about Humboldt attorney Ed Denson, calling him “an old crackpot,” who ran “some kind of half-assed music business with uber crook Darryl Cherney.”

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Dec 15, 2015

Winter Rains;
Turkey Roast;
Spring Ranch;
Crier o' Shill;
Exciting Plowrights;
Affinity Groups;
Intrepidicious Pay;
CRAP Principles;
Peterson Series;
Yesterday's Catch;
Bergdahl Case;
Cannabis Industry;
Fedpocalypse Now;
Simpson Truth;
Library Events;
Choose Marco;
