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Posts published in “Features”

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, Sept. 25, 2021

Cooling Trend | 6 More Deaths | Homeless Struggle | Eel Reconnect | Car Fire | Rock House | Understand Populism | Moderation Wisdom | 1911 Portrait | Candidate Training | Noyo Harbor | Dope Market | Scott Dam | FERC Ruling | Fish Hatchery | Boomer Lament | Vaccine Incoming | Hopkins Assistance | We Accept | Redistricting Agenda | Color Guard | Code Enforcement | Yesterday's Catch | PA Hardware | Remember Them | Klimt Eastwood | Musical Duo | PA Agenda | Fantasy Roundup | Interesting Developments | Ottoman Empire | German Election | 1937 Cadillac | Most Censored | Bike Jump | Past Month | So Morbid | Somebody's Lying

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Sept. 23, 2021

Warming | 29 New Cases | Water Report | Green Sign | Officers Indicted | Panther Football | Ukiah Fires | Mayor Paulsen | Body Found | Future Farmers | Brownsville? | State Street | Hopkins Recovery | 56 Merc | Mendo Crush | Lost Coast | Ed Notes | Reid Sentenced | Flores Sentenced | Yesterday's Catch | Mystery Thriller | Rough Rider | More Recalls | Iron Dome | Fairijuana | 300% | Conservation Lack | 1862 Groupshot | Infodemic | Covid Light | House Truck | Peace Boat | Eiffel Lightning | Toxic Lake | Doorknob Principle | Publicity Discrepancy | Frosty Caught | Moronic Hoax

Letters (September 23, 2021)

We would like to bring attention to some private citizens who, on their own, at their own expense, filled their water trucks and rushed to the aid of the residents in the “Hopkins” fire on Sept. 12...

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Sept. 22, 2021

Cooler Today | 56 New Cases | 76th Death | Critical Care | Kenneth Clark | Wonder Sometimes | Harvest Dinner | Circus Weekend | Body Found | Parade Seating | Eatery Signs | Livestock Auction | Survival Skills | Grand Jury | Temptor | Equity Grant | Peace Vets | Hopkins Damage | King John | Museum Gala | Eel Canyon | Yesterday's Catch | Ankle Wear | Great Peril | Tiny Minority | Oil Wean | Autumnal Equinox | That Question | Whipped Cream | Taliban Rule | Organize | Bootleg Hospitality | Painting Cheeze

Off the Record (September 22, 2021)

MENDO OPPOSED THE NEWSOM RECALL BY 70% in early election results. Statewide results show the Newsom recall going down by almost 2-1. Of the also-rans…

Valley People (September 22, 2021)

WHITE TESLA STRIKES AGAIN: Saffron Fraser writes:  “OMG! It happened. 15:50 leaving from my road, a county road, onto a state highway. Where the posted…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2021

Sunny Warm | Smoke Returning | 67 New Cases | 4 More Deaths | Restaurant Signs | Walnut Cowboy | Noyo Dry | AV Home | Budget Fuss | Derwinski Books | Andrews Resignation | Weed Moratorium | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Farmer Dell | Fire Anti-Vaxers | Unmasked Elites | Own It | Piano Silence | Great Reset | Driver's Choice | Get Vaxed | Unjust Sentencing | Hard Right | Hell Smoke | Burger Bribe | Asters | Google Pizza | Don't Vaccinate | Host Nations

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Sept. 20, 2021

Northeast Winds | Red Flag | Ed Notes | Pushy Tesla | Longshoremen Strike | Better Example | LA Model | Bike Lanes | Teamster Strike | Water Conservation | Car Camping | AV Health | Lowe Packing | Finocchio/Zeni | Deep South | Pet Athena | Dem Extradition | Cove Project | Asparagus Truck | County Briefs | Yesterday's Catch | Wax Fire | Cloverdale Fireworks | Forever Ineligible | Palestinian Sirhan | Positive Thinking | Weed Seeds | Mirror Shop | Genius Envy

Mendocino County Today, Sunday, Sept. 19, 2021

Clearing Sky | Summer Over | Holmer Retires | Fair 4Hers | Cop Culture | Dinosmokes | Look Force | Blackbear Apprehended | Swimming Hole | Trail Talk | Hubby Horse | Public Zoomed | Mendo Doughboys | Ed Notes | Madrone Branch | Eel Dry | Yesterday's Catch | Petro Corruption | Billionaire Debt | Creek Beds | Degas Drawing | Purification | SF Hobo | Abusing Arabs | Patdown Fan | Hart Attacked | Marriage Logic | Stoner Purge | New Neighbors | Animal Rights | American Teacher | One Destiny | Last Steelhead | Rain Light | Stagnant River | Dangerous Delusions
