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Posts published in “Features”

Off the Record 8/19/2009

A VERY CRAZY MAN, a literal tin foil hat guy, named Anthony James Pelfrey, has been sentenced to 13 years in state prison for attempted…

Valley People 8/12/2009

MANY LOCALS will remember Don Pierce, and remember him fondly as a friendly, neighborly man who always made time for his community in the years…

Off the Record 8/12/2009

CHIEF DEPUTY District Attorney Jill Ravitch, pronounced Ravvvvvvitch! with teeth bared through the v's, Mendo’s most experienced trial attorney, came to us from Sonoma County…

Letters to the Editor 8/12/2009

POLKABILLY IN THE REDWOODS Editor, Scotia's fourth annual “Rock-a-Billy in the Redwoods Festival” the first weekend of August had a Celto-Slavic theme celebrating the ancient…

Summer in the Hothouse

Professional gardeners are a peculiar lot who often seem to make up for their failings at friendship with fellow humans by turning to their mute…

Of Tourists & Mendocino

We are now at the high tide of the summer tourist season in Mendocino, the streets of the village awash in visitors from more populous…

The Only Place

My grandfather had a thing for peanut butter. He ate it by the spoonful. It couldn’t be just any peanut butter. It had to be…

Progressive Illusions

In retrospect we can see what a lucky fellow Barack Obama was to have had, during his run for the presidency last year, a radical…

Progressive Illusions

In retrospect we can see what a lucky fellow Barack Obama was to have had, during his run for the presidency last year, a radical…
