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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

Mendocino County Today: September 25, 2012

IN WHAT SOUNDS like the latest step in a standoff between Coast Hospital and its employees union, Coast Hospital CEO Ray Hino announced last week that he is asking his Board of Trustees to consider…

Mendocino County Today: September 24, 2012

POINT ARENA'S PERENNIALLY TROUBLED school district naturally comes with a perennially incompetent school board whose utter inability to manage any school district let alone one always teetering on the edge of state conservatorship was on…

Mendocino County Today: September 23, 2012

GARAGE-MAJAL: Re: The Mendocino Transit Authority's new building. Nice building, sort of a “Garage-mahal.” $1200 per square foot. Just for comparison, my new building that Doug Crane put up, around $100 per square foot. The…

Mendocino County Today: September 22, 2012

“WOMEN ON THE LAND.” Film documents the early days of the back-to-the-land movement. By Jane Futcher. Award-winning filmmakers Laurie York and Carmen Goodyear of Mendocino Coast Films presented their new documentary, “Women on the Land:…

Mendocino County Today: September 21, 2012

KYM KEMP ( REPORTS: Only in Humboldt (or possibly Mendocino) would a county sheriff support a Public Service Announcement (PSA) that teaches marijuana growers safe hiring practices. Just this last week, the Humboldt County Sheriff’s…

Mendocino County Today: September 20, 2012

TWO DEATHS of prominent citizens have cast a pall over the Anderson Valley. Bruce Longstreet passed away early Tuesday morning at his home in Philo, and Efren Mendoza died in Mexico on Friday, August 31st.…

Mendocino County Today: September 19, 2012

ROBERT PARKER, Deputy Director of Mendocino County’s Transportation Department, addressed the Supes last week on behalf of “Rediscover Freedom,” making it clear that he was speaking on his own time. (As a top County bureaucrat,…
