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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

Mendocino County Today: February 27, 2012

EVEN BY THE DUAL aesthetics of Ukiah and McDonald's, double whammies in visual squalor, the McDonald's at Perkins and Orchard, the gateway to the Mendocino…

Mendocino County Today: February 26, 2012

THE CONCLUDING paragraph in a blast at Obama's drug policies in the current Rolling Stone: “For law-enforcement officials who handle marijuana on the front lines,…

Mendocino County Today: February 25, 2012

ANDERSON VALLEY is in line for a long-overdue accessible recycling operation, now that Jerry Ward’s Solid Waste of Willits operation plans to open one at…

Mendocino County Today: February 24, 2012

MENDOCINO COUNTY DA David Eyster recently dispatched his ace prosecutor, Paul Sequiera, to Mule Creek State Prison for a parole hearing, Mark Sprinkle's parole hearing.…

Mendocino County Today: February 23, 2012

SAVE HENDY WOODS! State Senator Noreen Evans has gotten the California Department of Parks and Recreation to convene public workshops across the state to find…

Mendocino County Today: February 22, 2012

NCRA, the little train that couldn't, thought they had assemblymember Wes Chesbro lined up to introduce legislation to allocate $500k a year from state transportation…

Mendocino County Today: February 21, 2012

SOME 4,400 PG&E customers have opted out of the SmartMeter program in a mere two weeks after state regulators gave them the choice. Santa Cruz,…

Mendocino County Today: February 20, 2012

JOHN LEWALLEN, independent candidate for US Congress in California’s new Northcoast Second Congressional District, cordially invites the public to his formal Declaration of Candidacy on…

Mendocino County Today: February 19, 2012

LATE TUESDAY NIGHT, Dane Kraich, a 49-year-old Point Arena, shot his young wife, 24, and disappeared. Kraich is being sought for attempted murder and assault…
