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Posts published in “Mendocino County Today”

MCT: Thursday, October 22, 2020

Dry Winds;
1118 Cases;
Police Promotions;
Susan Wertheimer;
Kadie Days;
Your Fifties;
Yorkville BBQ;
Chatty Friend;
McCarthy Scholarship;
FB Report;
House Tour;
Photo Gallery;
People Ignored;
Pride March;
Ed Notes;
McClure Book;
Rat Holes;
Hippie Sex;
Job Op;
Police Reports;
Strange Day;
Yesterday's Catch;
Movie Scream;
Nadya's Picks;
Great Fall;
Blame Not;
Personal Freedom;
Book Sandwich;
Mysterious Boat;
Biz Recovery;
Looters Found;
Bacon Exhibit;
Lefty Life;
Barack Impressed;
Dad Tickets;
Collegial Glenn;
Found Object

MCT: Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Fire Weather;
Possibles Outages;
La Nina;
1111 Cases;
Flu Shots;
Mystery Location;
Mooneyham Murder;
White Church;
Assistance Centers;
U-2 Ed;
Homeless Motel;
Fish Rock;
Ed Notes;
Coast Amenities;
Retroactive Rates;
Logging Days;
Greatest Ultramarathon;
Ukiah Goats;
700 Pounds;
Dan Bolin;
Yesterday's Catch;
Food Stamps;
Durham Books;
Zoom Gen;
McManus Interview;
MCCAAC Minutes;
Pat Predicts;
Healthcare Tragedy;
Found Object

MCT: Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Warm & Breezy;
One New Case;
States Scorecard;
Fatal Rollover;
Fire Sawyer;
Vicki Hopper;
Fire Damage;
Land Swap;
Zoom Trivia;
Dick's Place;
Ed Notes;
Log Pond;
Brockway Arrested;
Noyo Harbor;
Mormon PA;
Winter Signs;
Yesterday's Catch;
Burisma Bubble;
Joss House;
Shady Endorsement;
Search Engine;
Weekly Comments;
Lady Slingshot;
Hunter's Laptop;
Corporatist Party;
Abbie Hoffman;
Last Ships;
Glick Fast;
Yellow Dog;
Online Resources;
Found Object

MCT: Monday, October 19, 2020

Cool Morning;
Fire Watch;
1103 Cases;
Coco Grange;
Complex Update;
Thomas Street;
Noyo Views;
Cliff Fatality;
Slaughterhouse Blues;
Garden Apprentice;
Gone Fishing;
Ed Notes;
Kimbler's Post;
Windstorm Memories;
No Work;
Yesterday's Catch;
Humboldt Five;
Coast Barn;
Dollar Donation;
Mendocino Shoreline;
Grey City;
Fingered Meat;
Golden West;
News Suppression;
Wastewater Pond;
Spy Rockers;
Radical Conservatives;
Sorkin Farce;
San Juan;
Bubble Wubble;
Mendolib Score;
Garberville March;
Black Cats;
Women's Rights;
Both Obese;
Scary Election;
Weak Knees;
Help Hunter;
Claim Victory;
Marco Radio;
Found Object

MCT: Sunday, October 18, 2020

Warm Dry;
1089 Cases;
Ultimate Sacrifice;
Old Building;
Homeless Motel;
Snow Scene;
Pet Molly;
1962 Windstorm;
Elk Logging;
Ed Notes;
Found Jesus;
Everclear Defense;
Log Trains;
Planning Building;
Gualala Decision;
Yesterday's Catch;
Masks Off;
Protest Clash;
Brainless Swine;
Political Noise;
Covid Co-Morbidities;
DiFi Rising;
Leather Memory;
Double Standards;
Skara Brae;
Impartial Friend;
New Record;
Left-Wing Revolution

MCT: Saturday, October 17, 2020

Winds Diminish;
Cases Slowing;
Voting Info;
Grease Grange;
Pot Expansion;
Sue Miller;
Dory Dan;
Skull Found;
Fatal Pass;
Big Catch;
Ed Notes;
Cleone House;
Sheriff's Term;
Black Beetle;
Patricide Charges;
Streetscape Update;
Renewal Show;
Village Events;
Driftwood Horse;
Garcia Guild;
Surf Fishing;
Ugly GRT;
Jughandle Bridge;
CVFD Grants;
Yesterday's Catch;
California Changes;
Sign Carving;
Soft Science;
Log Train;
Damn Kids;
Undercover Agents;
Trump Support;
Window Gaze;
Financial Interest;
Malign Neglect;
2020 Endorsements;
Wall Tax;
Why Hunter;
Vote Out;
Organized Evil;
Little Engine;
Economic Squeeze;
Master Juggler;
Marco Radio;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, October 16, 2020

Fire Weather;
1077 Cases;
Ballot Info;
Four Masted;
Hospitalized Sarah;
Albion Landing;
Urgency Ordinance;
Watering Weed;
Lotta Redwood;
Caspar Mill;
Plane Crash;
Old Bucks;
Sea Tunnel;
Fo Mo;
Cypress Fence;
New Board;
Mendocino Aerial;
Sign Vandalism;
Easter Bunnies;
Food Hub;
Di Maggios;
Ed Notes;
Yesterday's Catch;
SF Book;
Modern Bragg;
Tribalism Trap;
Better Presentation;
Rate Hikes;
Shinagawa Rain;
Wine Bars;
We Believed;
Jail Poetry;
Fascism Begins;
Cross & Flag;
Assange Prosecution;
Many Abdicators;
Fleeing California;
Hunter Story;
Found Object

MCT: Thursday, October 15, 2020

Offshore Winds;
Widespread Outages;
Whetstone Murder;
Albion Vintage;
Bypass Fatality;
1063 Cases;
Smith Sentencing;
Early Logging;
McCarthy Scholarship;
Caspar Mill;
Estate Sale;
Snapback Assistance;
U-Hauler Popped;
Gauntlet Running;
Old Bridges;
Ed Notes;
Mushroomy Things;
Water Trucks;
Big Boxing;
Early Rockport;
Phase 3;
Supports Expansion;
Don't Rush;
Pot Ag;
Redneck Republicans;
Yesterday's Catch;
Ulu Loa;
Coming Attractions;
Dear Justices;
Turning Blue;
Dory Dan;
Railroading Assange;
Found Object

MCT: Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Red Flag;
1055 Cases;
Covid Testing;
Whetstone Missing;
Pot Talk;
Kitchen Help;
Big River;
Food Bucket;
Noyo 1949;
Firefighting Closures;
BLM March;
Ed Notes;
Painted Barns;
Inuit Printmaking;
Styrofoam Sub;
Acid Jim;
Wheelie Mike;
Coastal Cows;
Bear Story;
Yesterday's Catch;
Breast Cancer;
Coast Bluff;
Circumlocution Office;
1961 Doctors;
Great Forests;
Name Game;
Logging Locomotive;
Bohemian Club;
Voting Station;
Hazard Mitigation;
Bounty Story;
Volunteer Boards;
Smudge Pots;
Mask Up;
Sex Therapy;
Found Object
