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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

Letters (February 24, 2022)

At the time, the Tubbs fire was billed as the largest, most destructive fire in California history. This was followed by the Camp fire, a worldwide pandemic and now a drought that’s the worst in 1,200 years.…

Letters (February 17, 2022)

Jan. 27 was the largest turnout ever for public comments at a California Public Utility Commission meeting.…

Letters (February 10, 2022)

Tuesday’s BOS meeting was the worst meeting I have ever witnessed and I’ve seen many. What an absolute waste of time.…

Letters (February 3, 2022)

The ultra-rich and their corporations have destroyed the viability of the planet in order to maintain their way of life. Be sure the one percent are developing escape plans…

Letters (January 27, 2022)

Driving back to Anderson Valley from Chico, coming down the last hill on Highway 253, the truck started steering weirdly...

Letters (January 20, 2022)

Many of us early adopters to solar panels put our savings into installing solar panels. We did so for both ecological reasons and because we wanted to stimulate the solar industry....

Letters (January 13, 2022)

PG&E and the CPUC want to make rooftop solar unaffordable by charging new solar users fees averaging $684 per year and slashing the solar credit by 80%....

Letters (January 6, 2022)

Whether you believe the Skunks will do great things in our town or you believe they are just con men feeding us their own brand of green-wash...

Letters (December 30, 2021)

Just got a video from a younger family member of their extravaganza church Christmas program. Floods of singers and dancers next to one an another without any masks for over half an hour....
