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Posts published in “from the archives…”

Reggae on the River

I told the mighty editor last Tuesday morning that I’d been to Reggae on the River, and he gave me an incredulous guffaw as if…

More Mediocrity & Music

For one reason or another, I’m on a mission to document the trials and tribulations, the travails, of an adult musician (me) in his (my)…

Cafe Life

Two middleaged men are sitting at a sidwalk table at Enrico’s in North Beach. Their mood seems foul as if they have been stewing in…

Who is Alicia Littletree?

I keep seeing her name at all these environmental/political events. "Tribute to Judi Bari: Join Dolores Huerta, Utah Phillips, Alicia Littletree and more." O.K. I…

Keeping an Eye on the Grand Jury

For the second week in a row grand jury representatives paid a call on the Board of Supervisors (June 17). They were present to recount…

Dreams of Home

My dreams have become very significant in my life these days; some of them seem to be very spiritual. Sometimes there is a message, and…

The Perfect Game

My wife and I recently took a 3,100 mile trip through a piece of the American Southwest: Highway 50 (“the loneliest road in America” —…

My Senior Year at AV High

In the fall of 1971 I was about to be cut off at the knees if I didn't “do something productive” with my life. I was 17 and had been out of school for a year, a casualty of “dress code” politics. (I'd braided a foot-long eagle feather into my hair in honor of the first Native American Week, and when I refused to take it out, they kicked me out.)

Headwaters Three, the Unofficial Account

It was raining Sunday, nobody else from the AVA wanted to go, I would miss the 49er’s game on television, and I had almost no…
