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Posts published in “from the archives…”

Fort Bragg’s Serial Bullies

After nearly a year of being bound and gagged by legal constraints arising from a multi-million dollar lawsuit filed against the City of Fort Bragg by Dominic Affinito

The Elephant on the Table

Yes, as many of you have let me know, this column — actually a version of it — now appears every Friday in the Ukiah…


She'd called last April, just as the weather was warming up. "My name is Suro." Syrup? I asked. "No, Suro. Sir-O. S-u-r-o. One word. My…

Hippie: The Beast That Won’t Die

An entire age ago, in his book The New Journalism, Tom Wolfe reported in his unique, sometimes long-winded style; “I wrote The Electric Kool-Aid Acid…

No Joe, Blackness, and the Meaning of Sweat

Relatively scorching weather has its consequences. It makes one think about life. About how we spend too much of our time worrying about things we…

Digital Snow Job

This morning in the supermarket parking lot, I was assaulted by a loud, unpleasant sound coming from the wide-open door of a shiny new sport…

A Look Inside the Budget

Smooth sailing. Piece of cake. Easy money. Compared to the not too distant past, last week’s wrap-up of the 1999-2000 budget was a pain-free experience.…

The Secret Newspaper Wedding

For three years, the details were kept secret. Just what were the terms of the agreement that compelled the Hearst Corporation's Examiner and the family-owned…

Berries & Burgers

A friend from the city and I drove out to Round Valley Saturday, to admire the scenery and check out the annual Blackberry Festival in…
