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Posts published in “from the archives…”

Pacheuco Party

Great green gales of combusting marijuana may soon be wafting over both the US southern and northern borders as Washington’s two NAFTA trading partners move towards decriminalization of this much-maligned herb. To the horror of…

Rodini’s Sweet Deal

Humboldt County Supervisor Roger Rodoni leases a three-bedroom, 1800-square foot house and over 9,000 acres of land from the Scotia Pacific Holding Company — a sister company to Pacific Lumber — for just $350 a…

Der Super-Porno

There is nothing like running into an old friend in an airport to raise the spirits. And there, lurking among the smut in a magazine and gift store were the unmistakable lineaments of an old…

First Peoples

First the Indians came, soft-footed, moving silently along their wooded trails, to reach the coast. There they must have frolicked like children in the clean, breezy salt air, and fished with eagerness and then contentment.…

Valley People (June 11, 2003)

THE EUGENE GRADUATION CEREMONY was held in a large auditorium called the Hults Center jammed to the balconies with a crowd of 4,000 or so people looking on at some 450 graduates. South Eugene High…

Small Town Etiquette

It is a singularly small town talent, and one I lack: The ability to recognize oncoming cars soon enough to decide whether or not to wave. I would like to take this opportunity to apologize…

Deputy Gander’s Halloween Party

The two attractive, forty-something women had looked forward to the annual Halloween party at the Gualala Hotel that Saturday night, but when they arrived at the hotel a little after 8pm, the merrymakers who would…

Upcoming TV Shows

Oh, please, take pity on us poor satirists, for reality keeps nipping at our heels and increasingly overtaking us. There was a recent report that a Sunday School teacher instructed a student to write, "What…
