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Posts published in “Essays”

Will The Democrats Manage To Help Re-Elect Trump?

In 1989, I had a comical but revealing series of encounters with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago, his palatial mansion in Palm Beach, Florida. He had bought the giant house, with 58 bedrooms and 33 bathrooms,…

Whitey’s On The Moon

by Fred Gardner A few months ago Governor Newsom visited Alameda Point – our decommissioned Naval Air Station, renamed by developers – to hold a press conference at the HQ of a company called Astra Space,…

Dirty Plea Deal? I Doubt It

We can hardly encounter a steaming chunk of news media these days without being forced to consider the matter of the Guilty as Hell cop who got a sweetheart deal despite wronging an innocent lass…

An Inside Look: The AV Food Bank

Writing a story about the AV Food Bank after it has provided 40 years of service to our community turns out to be mostly a tale of many generous people. Robyn Harper whose name pops…

Reunion On The Playa – 2022

Gathering together again the first thing Burners heard on the Black Rock playa was the laughter of old friends reuniting after three years. It was a love fest for those of us who go for…

John Burroughs: An “Arkie” Teenager Heads West

To continue my “Arkies” in The Valley stories, I thought I would explore the life of an “older” immigrants’ child. As Einstein theorized over a hundred years ago with regard to age and time, everything…


An Englishman I met on a kibbutz in Israel during the many international travel years of my youth asked me a question I’ve pondered ever since. Genuinely curious, he asked me in his measured, lilting…

History of Modern Hospitals

Last week our hospital on the coast underwent its Joint Commission site visit for the clinical portion of our accreditation survey.  We passed with flying colors.  This accreditation survey is done every three years and…

Laguna Honda’s Predictable Crisis

September 13 was the day on which all the patients at Laguna Honda were supposed to have been evacuated and the hospital’s federal funding cut off. So it was decreed back in April by the…
