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Posts published in “Essays”

Greece On Fire (Continued): Those Famously Extravagant Greeks

Previously, I raised a point that is crucial for under­standing the situation of Greece today: that all of the images of Greeks as over-paid, lazy, extravagant, blah blah blah— hit the international media after the…

Labor’s Small Business Friends

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other outspo­ken foes of organized labor like to claim that small busi­ness owners are as anti-union as the notoriously anti-union Chamber and its big business members. But don't you…

Have You Ever Heard a One-Eyed Woman Cry

Why does the blues make us happy? What does it mean that an octopus apparently needs to be smarter than, say, a red ant? How do fish and birds turn like that, all together? Why don’t we have tails? Don’t zero and infinity sometimes amount to the same thing?

Lintott Limps to a Run-Off; Moorman Wins

Embattled Mendocino County DA Meredith Lintott was the top vote-getter in Tuesday’s primary, but she faces a tough run-off in the November election with challenger David Eyster and her re-election is far from certain.

Gelato, Babies Found in the Rubble and My SUV

A few weeks ago, we went out to celebrate the use and proper function of underpants.  It has been a long haul and we're not completely out of the woods yet, but things were going…

Ghosts Return to Haunt McCain & The US Press: Vietnam MIAs

The ghosts that haunt Senator John McCain are about 600 in number and right now they are mustering for an onslaught. McCain, one of America's foremost Republicans and President Barack Obama's opponent in 2008, is…

Who Will Take The Fifth?

Not me. I’m waiving my rights. Let's go out on a limb and predict the outcome of the Fifth District Supervisorial Race on Tuesday. The Fifth District -- those who vote anyway -- is at…
