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Posts published in “Essays”

Racial Profiling In Mendo

On May 22, about two in the morning, two young African-Americans from the East Bay, Brandon Sanders, a graduate student, and John Rhone an aspiring fireman, neither of whom had criminal histories or even so…

Parks, Parking & Trike Paths

Our Recreation Committee plans to apply for tobacco settlement money to "support park development" at our community space adjacent to the Health Center in Boonville. The Rec committee is also working on plans to improve…

Imbecilic Tedium

The presidential campaign plummeted into imbecilic tedium last night in Nashville as Barack Obama and John McCain faced off in the second debate. The encounter took place against the vivid backdrop of economic catastrophe, the…

Bums, Budgets, Bumblers & Other Busts

Last Tuesday's Supervisors Board combined discussion of a fresh set of catastrophes with a discussion of catastrophes carried over from the August 26th meeting. The morning began with a discussion of the derelicts, the next…


Three years ago the County's budget had already grown to $187 million. There was the usual ritualistic rhetoric about belt-tightening, cut-backs and general austerity, but spending increased, fueled in large part by borrowing from sources…

Change? Hope? Obama Must Have Been Talking About Joe Biden!

“Change” and “hope” are not words one associates with Senator Joe Biden, a man so ripely symbolic of everything that is unchanging and hopeless about our political system that a computer simulation of the corporate-political…

Deconstructing Glenda

Last Wednesday, there was an article in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat entitled "North Coast water plan greeted with howls," by the PD's Ukiah reporter Glenda Anderson. The piece was loaded with spectacular errors and much…

What’s Wrong With Wiggins?

STATE SENATOR PAT WIGGINS, whose increasingly erratic public behavior was recently noted by the AVA, startled a public hearing last week when she suddenly and inexplicably swore at committee witness Pastor Robert Jones. Sen. Pat…

The Endless Detention

Days turn to weeks, weeks to months and I think back to when I was first arrested by Border Patrol agents in Texas and told that this would take, at maximum, a few weeks. That…
