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Posts published in “Essays”

Winter Sunset at Glass Beach

Who needs loot from Santa with treasures like these? We live close enough to get to Glass Beach by bike.  Having spent the remainder of the post-preschool afternoon playing with Santa's offerings, a bike ride…

Making the Rich Happy

Nicely in time for the end-of-year job ratings, Presi­dent Obama has crawled from the political graveyard, where only a month ago wreaths were being heaped around his sepulcher. The Commentariat now gravely applauds his recent…

Our Lady of Perpetual Fun

Take Hwy 1 north to Maple Street.  Take a right and follow it to where the road becomes a T.  See that huge building you're facing that looks like nothing you've ever seen in Fort…

Top Secret

(Overheard at an Air Force radar systems acquisition office, mid-1970s.) … * * * Hey, Sarge. You left the safe open again. Oh, get off my case. Nothing in there’s important. But op-sec. Don’t you…

Farm To Farm

“Kiss me,” she said. Fly and I both sat bolt upright and gazed perplexed into one another's eyes with the aid of the scant green light afforded by the digits on the dashboard. Since the…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. Happy New Year! In a couple of days it’s the amateur party-goer’s Big Night Out of the Year: New Year’s Eve! That’s…

His Pot Use at Issue: Dr. Frankel Fights For His License

The Medical Board of California is trying to revoke the license of a pro-cannabis doctor -for using cannabis. A hearing held in Los Angeles this week is supposed to determine whether or not Allan Frankel,…

Movie Review: The Fighter

Hollywood produces frauds From lives that once had meat; No one in the know applauds Hollywood’s latest feat When it produces movies of Redemption. Triumph. Real love. * * * I like watching boxing like…

Propaganda Of Childhood

“What we remember from childhood we remember forever — permanent ghosts, stamped, inked, imprinted, eternally seen.” — Cynthia Ozick
