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Posts published in “Essays”

The Serial Ineptitude Of The Democrats

If the Democrats in Congress were all drinking water from the same faucet, there might be a clue to their chronic fear of the craven and cruel corporatist Republicans who dominate them. But they don’t,…

The World’s Tallest, Strongest & Most Iconic Trees

I recently wrote about the cork trees of the Iberian Peninsula, those great, handsome figures so emblematic of the interior plains of Portugal and Spain. But further abroad are many more trees of great stature…

H.L. Gaylord

As my hometown of Fertile, Minnesota celebrated its 125th anniversary last weekend, I found myself in a goofy outfit out in the cemetery playing the role of one of the town's old pioneers, H.L. Gaylord.…

Richmond, Virginia

My brother lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, so I'm visiting in the south, always creepy and exciting together -- the Confederacy, the other country inside the United States. We've been civil warring up and down the…

Uncool Mom

Songs of heartbreak are flowing from down the hall. Why is it the heartbreak of youth seems so much more devastating than the heartbreaks we have subsequently? You remember being a heartbroken teenager. Don't pretend…

What Happened To Occupy?

Since what is now going on is being described as “the greatest financial scandal in the history of Britain”   —  the Barclays imbroglio   —   I have a question to ask: Where are…

Occupy The Grove

There are probably three wacky conspiracy theories for every one realistic account of the Bohemian Club. It doesn't help that what happens every summer at the Club's “Grove” campground along the forested banks Russian River in Sonoma County includes a bizarre mix of silly druidic rituals that only feed the rumor mill of Satanism and sexcapades.

River Views

In this time of economic crisis, in this time of war and unrest, would you sign a petition which uses the following provocative language? Whenever any government becomes destructive of the rights of its citizens…

Great Moments In Public Radio

KZYX Radio, Friday, June 29. Open Lines KZYX General Manager John Coate: Hi. You're on the air. Male Caller: Yeah. I got one quick question. There is a, um, I don't know what you call…
