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Posts published in “Essays”

Yard Sale

We just had a big yard sale to move along the myriad things we did not wish to keep in our new life in our new house. This was my fourth such undertaking and Marcia’s…

Why Is Privatization Bad For State Parks?

It is important to note that privatization initiatives are NOT restricted to turning operations of parks over to for profit companies. Privatization also occurs whenever park fees (such as parking, day use, camping, boat launch…

A (Mormon?) Miracle?

Perhaps the most notable endorsement of a candidate in this year's heated Presidential campaign has been relatively unremarked, and begins like this: Nowhere has Mitt Romney's pursuit of the presidency been more warmly welcomed or…

River Views

Update on the case of the homeless man acquitted of charges he intentionally injured his pit bull, Frankie, on August 19th of this year. First, we must go back to the only member of the…

The Light Brothers

Born October 19th, 1862 Auguste Lumière—the elder of the two brothers, who later became the world’s first filmmakers—would have celebrated his 150th birthday last week. If one defines the cinema as the projecting of a…

The Grand Tour

Tourists in California are missing a great opportunity. Where else can you travel north-south on either of two major highways and be so close to so many prisons - pardon me, correctional facilities - some in plain sight. And not just any prisons. Famous prisons, notorious prisons, prisons immortalized in song.

George McGovern, RIP

Former South Dakota Sen. George McGovern died this week at age 90. My first political memory is of the 1972 presidential election season. Democrat George McGovern challenged the Republican incumbent, President Richard Nixon. I was…

River Views

October 24th marks the birthday of Sarah Josepha Hale 224 years ago. Practically every English speaker recognizes her eight line poem by its first five words: “Mary had a little lamb…” Sarah Josepha Hale was…

Zero Population Growth

“The chief cause for the impending collapse of the world—the cause sufficient in and by itself—is the enormous growth of the human population: the human flood. The worst enemy of life is too much life:…
