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Posts published in “Essays”

Christmas in Albion

It was raining when we left Fort Bragg to head over to the Grandparent's house in Albion.  The relatives.  The food.  The hot hot upstairs,…

Farm To Farm

The cabin was clearly occupied. Smoke snaked from the double-walled, galvanized, chimney pipe. A lamp burned, illuminating the solarium. The German Shepherd pup bounded like…

Dining With The Pot People

Pot growers and sheriff deputies broke bread together in Ukiah recently at an unprecedented event: a holiday party hosted by Julia Carrera, one of Mendocino…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. So here we are once again — the holi­day season and the…

Bad Christmas Music

It appears that the only way to get away from bad Christmas music is to take refuge in an ice fishing house in the middle…


Sacramento doesn't have a noon whistle. Instead, they blow a siren for a full minute on the last Friday of the month. It's not the…

Nowhere to Go But Up

Can anything be more dismal than prospects for any decent resolution of the Israel/Palestine issue? Seemingly not. The hopes of January, 2009, at the dawn…

California: Epicenter of the Great Unraveling

When the Great Unraveling of the world financial system began in earnest three years ago, the the term “Wall Street” instantly emerged as the main…

Crime of the Week

Shortly after one last Thursday afternoon, 92-year-old Marie Cleveland of Redwood Valley cranked off a round from her .38 into the tire of an RV parked on her property.

The MCN Report

The history and highly unusual arrangement of Mendocino Community Network owned and operated by Mendocino Unified School District has come up for discussion recently among…

Bird’s Eye View

Greetings one and all. If you are sitting comfortably then I shall begin. How about a few birthday greetings, no doubt belated in some cases,…
