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Posts published in “Essays”

Last Beans

Rained almost an inch today in Mendocino, October 23, 2014. Will we look back from drier times and say, “Remember when it rained almost a whole inch in one day?” Or are we in for years of deluge? Most weather scientists think we’re in for a multi-decade drought, but the globe has so many feedback loops, known and unknown, currently looping and feeding back in ways we barely understand that five years from now California could be getting a hundred inches of rain a year. Or no rain at all. Or a hundred inches one year and none the next.

Qat, Coffee & Qambus

One of the most widespread platitudes about music is that it is a universal language: thus the golden LP of the Voyager spacecraft launched in the 1970s and since last year gliding effortlessly beyond the…


Leila Jane Dornacker was always dynamic, and often first: she was credited in 1968 as the nation's first female mail carrier; she was elected homecoming queen her freshman year at San Francisco State, campaigning on campus from inside a birdcage.

Ida’s Place—Book Two

I am pleased to announce the publication of the coil-bound photocopy edition (the only edition there is) of Ida’s Place Book Two: Revival, the second volume of what I intend to be at least a three-volume saga set in the mythical town of Big River on the far north coast of California.

Panther Soccer (Oct 22, 2014)

The team desperately needed to rebound from the stunning loss against Tomales in last week’s Homecoming game. However, there still seemed to be downcast mood among the players last Wednesday lunchtime as they departed from…

AV Firefighters: Clay Eubank

Clay Eubank has been in Anderson Valley since 2010. His partner Sarah Farber is the Captain of the Yorkville Station. It was through their involvement with firefighting that they met at the National Fire Academy. His firefighting career started in 1991 in Capay Valley west of Woodland near Davis where he retired as chief in 2010.

Around The World On Books

Peep, peep, peep, peep. A fowl in the hand is worth two that came home to roost. It is the Friends of Willits Library book sale. For one of the least attractive towns on Highway…
