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Posts published in “Essays”

Betty The Riveter Has Died

Born August 10th, 1925, she has had her gravesite and headstone in place ever since she lost her first husband a train wreck, 1954. While he had been fighting with Patton’s Third Armor in the…

A Lady Always Knows When To Leave

When my daughter was nine days shy of her 13th birthday, she succumbed to pediatric cancer. We had some inkling since birth that she could be a short timer. When her brain tumor harvested itself…

One Man’s Experience

My first experience as a mental health client was at age 24 when I moved into a residential treatment house in Davis for mental health clients. I had dropped out of UC Davis at age…


Hundreds of thousands of refugees from the ongoing wars in the Middle East have walked and are walking to Western Europe. Thousands of Africans have traveled through Spain into France and reached Calais where they hope to walk or ride through the tunnel under the English Channel to get to England. Thousands of Libyans and Tunisians have crossed the Mediterranean in boats, hoping to find food and shelter in Greece and Italy and Spain.

Animals At Their End: Grief & Gratitude

When you adopt a pet or one just finds it into your life, besides all the joy and fun and exasperation, you also sign up for an eventual pile of pain. For whomever they may…

Panther Soccer (Sep 16, 2015)

Readers may recall last week’s 1-1 report of the draw against Geyserville when AV had a perfectly legitimate goal taken away as a result of the referees’ incorrect ruling on the taking of a penalty…

The Stonedest Lonesome

I smelled Mendocino long before I ever visited her sylvan slopes and verdant valleys, and at a significant remove, too — roughly a thousand miles. A heady aroma it was, rich, complex, dank, earthy, evocative…
