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Posts published in “Essays”

No Sarcasm Meant

On the increasingly frequent occasions when Donald Trump allows his mouth to race out ahead of his brain—understandable, given the latter's velocital limitations and the virtually constant workout regimen of the former—and ventures beyond the…

Noble Zimmy Hits The Coast

I shouldn't be writing this. Hell, I shouldn't be writing anything right now. Seems whatever I say or sing or write or do, somebody's gotta serve themselves by having some big opinion about it being…

Trump & Hitchcock in the Age of Conspiracies

The Age of Trump is an Age of Conspiracies. In lock step with the zeitgeist, elements human, natural, and perhaps even ethereal conspired against last night’s screening at the Syracuse International Film Festival of Alfred…

Get The Shotgun

When I woke up, I was struck first by the silence — a deep and complete absence of sound that seemed to have a shape and weight all its own — and then by the…


In the days before digital cameras, I had several bouts of being a serious photographer, serious in the sense of owning good cameras, taking thousands of pictures, and even getting paid to take some of…

Confessions Of A Dealer

(told by a friend who wishes to remain anonymous) In Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, Tim Roth plays the gang member Mr. Orange. Mr. Orange is an undercover cop. Mr. Orange's coach for his undercover work…

Charles Shaw Fishing

My friend and client Ed Beard told me about a new couple in the Napa Valley. They had bought a small parcel and built a small winery and home. Ed suggested to me that they…

The Compass

When you're born, your entire space amounts to the dimensions of the cradle: 80 x 60cm.

The compass will open.

After six months, you can crawl across the room. After one year, you learn to walk. As time envelops you, the space around you will begin to expand: the tricycle in the garden, the daycare center, the bicycle in the park, the first excursion to the ice cream parlor on the corner.
