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Posts published in “Essays”

Re-Writing D-Day

At the end of WWII, it was generally recognized that the Soviet Union and saved Europe. Russians killed 80% of all German soldiers. The Nazi…

Dreyfus Affair…Trump Affair?

The Dreyfus Affair. Alfred Dreyfus was a French military officer convicted of treason in 1894 for allegedly passing military secrets to the German embassy in…

Nursing Home Visit

I was walking down the long hall at my mother’s nursing home when I heard a bright cheery “Hi!” behind me. I turned around and…

Italy, Part 2: Siena

Siena is one of my favorite places that we visited on our trip this spring. I first learned about Siena as a child reading Marguerite…

Last Of The Ink-Stained Wretches

Journalism, once a noble calling, is now an embarrassment; reporters have reputations worse than used car salesmen. I did newspaper work 35 years, then morphed…
