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Posts published in “Essays”

Cage Fight In The Capitol

It was the perfect setting for a cage fight. The circular perimeter and dome soaring above were not enclosed with chain-link fencing coated in vinyl. The floor was not covered with a foam mat. No,…

‘Bring Me A Rock’

If I were arrested, charged with crimes and faced years in prison the first thing I would do is get a sleeping bag and camp out every night in front of my lawyer’s office. It…

Ode To Oz: The Stray Who Got Stuck Up A Tree

One evening while walking our dogs in Riverside Park several years ago, my friend and I heard panicked meowing at the entrance. Following the sound, I found a kitten stuck up a large oak tree.…

Old Perceptions

As a member of the Baby Boom generation, I am increasingly aware of how younger generations – Generation X (born 1964-1980), Millennials (born 1981-2000) and Generation Z (born 2001-2020) - perceive older folks. Of course,…

Next Time, A Greyhound

I told my wife we’d have to leave early in the morning to catch our flight back to North Carolina, and she shot back a cold, level look. “How early,” she said. It wasn’t a…

Ridding The Body Of Therapy Tumors

Therapy, the multi-tentacled beast that spread in locust-like herds across the nation for 50 years ruining lives, splitting families, teaching nonsense and getting paid to do it, appears in remission. Therapists were the driving wheel…
