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Posts published in “Essays”

Going Bananas

In Woody Allen’s movie Bananas, one of Woody’s earlier, funnier films, there is a scene in which the leader of a successful rebellion in a banana republic becomes the new dictator and decrees that henceforth…

Greg Sarris! Live!

Call Greg Sarris an anomaly, or maybe call him emblematic of the cultural crosscurrents of our age. Raised in a white, middle class family in Santa Rosa, California and a Stanford Ph.D., he’s the chairman…

The Amber Universe

It’s possible that Borges learned from Oscar Wilde, or perhaps from Bernard Shaw, that to achieve fame, one ingenious, malevolent, surprising, paradoxical, polemical sentence that angers the official representatives of culture is sufficient.

Redwood Summer 1990

Judi Bari promised us "the Nineties would make the Sixties seem like the Fifties," and she damn near pulled it off almost single-handedly during "Redwood Summer." The year 1990 started off with a bang, literally.…

Once Upon A Time In Mendocino

Anyone who has ever been to Mendocino can direct you to the McCallum House on the north side of Albion Street, cattywampus from Daisy McCallum's parent's house on the south side of the same street.…

My Two Moments With Alexander Cockburn

At this point, after nearly 30 years, I seem to be an older-timer at the AVA, the Editor and The Major notwithstanding. I discovered the paper at the home of my old friend and fellow…

Ordeal By Oatmeal

BETH BOSK of New Settler Interview called Tuesday. The intrepid Ms. B is interviewing the gifted defense attorney, Omar Figueroa who's presently defending the famous Bear Lincoln who is charged with operating a large-scale marijuana…

Dawn In Headwaters II

Night reluctantly relinquished its grip in the shade of those majestic redwoods, the sun still obscured by ridges to the east as Base Camp sprung to life. Maggie had hung curtains along the back windows…

The National Mall, The Corps, The Call, The Fort

My brother lives in Charlottesville Virginia and is employed as a supervisor and tour guide at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. My brother Bob now gives a somewhat new slavery tour of Monticello. TJ was a slave owner. All seems most appropriate for our tour of the new National Museum.
