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Posts published in “Essays”

No Country For Old Women (Part 2)

I arrive at the little nursing home to visit Berna. In the foyer is a TV. Three old women, two in wheelchairs and one propped up on a gurney, are watching, but they turn hungry…

No Country For Old Women (Part 1)

2008: I'm driving a stolen car. Not technically stolen, but it feels stolen. My guilty conscience clatters along everywhere I go in the car, like the tin cans and old shoes honeymoon-bound brides and grooms…

Judicial Review

Public anger over judge and jury decisions is as old as the creation of the three branches of American government. Fortunately we haven’t yet reached the state of some countries where judges are gunned down…

Hospital Parcel Tax Vote Recount

An Albion area resident has paid a $2,900 deposit to the Mendocino County Clerk's Office to start a recount on Measure C, the $144 per parcel tax that would fund Mendocino Coast District Hospital (MCDH).…

Three Cheers For Us

Fourth of July. The very words sizzle like a hot dog on a griddle, and as long as you’re up, I’ll have one, easy on the relish. Oh, and an ice-cold beer, pronounced “a nice…

Ft. Bragg City Council Pans Mill Ponds

Echos and murmurs of the deliberations of government come down to us in bits and pieces. We trust our elected representatives to guard our interests and protect us from the arbitrary abuse of power. We…

Highway Robbery (Part 2)

When Mendocino County Sheriff Jeremiah “Doc” Standley arrested twenty-two year old Joseph McKay at the Burns Hotel of Santa Rosa in late November, 1891, it would have been reasonable for the lawman to assume his…

Rehab & A Cuppa Joe

When I first reached the age of reason and started considering possible career paths, and having abandoned my childhood ambitions of becoming a tiger or a candy manufacturer, I set my sights on two possibilities:…
