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Posts published in “Essays”

Merry Christmas To All

On this solemn night a great stillness falls upon the land as the Leviathan of Washington is sent to its room to get its mind straight, and the USA gets on with collapse in earnest.…

Year End Awards from The Crime Beat

Yearend is neigh, the lawyers all snug in their winter suits, bustling around the courthouse, faces wreathed in smiles

A Rainbow after Long Storms

Wednesdays are paper days, which means I saddle up the creaking machine and roar north to pick up the weekly edition of sermons and secret maps

With Wildfires it’s Literally about Planning

With California’s Big Three electric utility giants (PG&E, Southern California Edison, and San Diego Gas & Electric) facing an avalanche of lawsuits

Another Roadside Attraction

Anyone living in Anderson Valley or on the coast has driven by this location a gazillion times and probably noticed a small sturdy stucco building

Into the Woods

Ukiah, California, is a place to be, and I mean that in the strictest literal sense, that a human being can exist there

The Making of an Activist

What makes an activist? You can take any group of like-minded liberals and some at the inactive end of the spectrum will become couch potatoes screaming at their TVs and baying at the moon. But…
