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Posts published in “Essays”

Ten Years After

Through some fluke of coincidence I just happen to be the same age, 67 this week, as the newspaper I have worked for the past ten years, the nationally distributed but locally marginalized Anderson Valley…

Foppish Fashions & Sonic Banquets

If ours is not a great age of Tudor, Elizabethan, Protectorate, Restoration, Hanoverian, and ongoing Windsorite dramas on big and small screens alike, it is certainly an abundant one. The sun never sets over this…

Truth Comes Out

One of the things I love about writing, and being a writer, is the ability and opportunity I have of shaping and solidifying my persona via the written word. Certain fundamental limitations in my personal…

Biloxi Days: The Nose Gear Is Stuck

“Major Crowley can't get the nose wheel down!” shouted Chief Johns as he jogged by my office. “Something's wrong with the nose gear!” It was the spring of 1970 and I had been robo-signing the…
