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Posts published in “Essays”

Tanning + Pot = Disaster

A gym entrepreneur branches out into marijuana. Then loses it all.

Scrappy & Me (Part 5)

This time I’m gonna talk about “Scrappy,” who got his nickname because he collected and sold bottles and cans at the camp ground near Lake Pillsbury, and maybe for other reasons, too. I'd see Scrappy…

Anna Morrison Reed

In the 1800s women were seldom accorded their own identity in print. Emblematic of that was the newspaper notice of a baby born on New Year's Day, 1879, in the town of Mendocino. The mother…

PG&E’s Bad Behavior & Bankruptcy

Last week’s column on PG&E’s pending bankruptcy closes the book on a piece I wrote a year and half ago where I warned to be on the lookout for the twin “Bs”:  Bailout and Bankruptcy.…

Introducing Judge Faulder

Is there anything that Judge Keith Faulder can’t do in a courtroom? No, probably not. After all, he’s been a crusading lawyer for the defense and a crusading lawyer for the prosecution. For eight years,…

Biloxi Days: Bailing Sergeant Jones

When I was stationed in at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Mississippi in the early 70s, my primary duty was squadron commander of the 3380th Field Maintenance Squadron. My responsibilities included management of the…

In & Out of Solitary (Part 4)

While I was still living in SF I tried to grow weed on Mt. Tam. I was in my late 20s, but still pretty much of a teenager. My plants got to be one foot…
