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Posts published in “Essays”

With Calum

I met two young men in the dark and lonely intersection at Little Lake Road and the Coast Highway on Wednesday night. I was on my way back home, walking up Little Lake, past the…

The Summer of Apollo 11

The fast approaching 50th anniversary of the successful launch, landing upon the Moon, and recovery of Apollo 11 this week seems an auspicious and fitting occasion to remember my father and some of our times.…

NORML’s Deputy Director Speaks Volumes

The National Association for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML)— which was founded in 1970 by Keith Stroup and that now has 135 chapters nation-wide and 550 lawyers ready to serve — is still going…

President Trump’s Performance Review

To paraphrase former San Francisco Mayor and former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown in a recent San Francisco Chronicle column, “From now on, everything President Donald Trump does in office will be to win the…

Eureka, 2011

Eureka has a steamy, half starved look, especially late in the year from the second story as I turn to my right and stare out the window, stuck on a phrase or worse. A generation…

Songs of State

Other than the basic press blurbs, I could find no detailed reports of the music performed at the recent state banquet held in the Buckingham Palace ballroom. The largest space in the palace, the ballroom…

The Road Back

Although my supervisorial candidacy ended abruptly in calamity as I was struck by a near fatal hemorrhagic stroke on June 26 of 2018, as I approach the anniversary of the event I reflect back at…
