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Posts published in “Essays”

A Menu of Murders

The media had made Terence Hallinan's leniency a political liability and he counterpunched by publicizing murder cases to the max. Not all his punches landed. The killing of the king was "murder most foul" to…

Liz Barney Answers Her Critics

Introduction: Alicia Bales is program director at KZYX, Philo, a publicly-funded, tax exempt fm radio station. Ms. Bales is leading a slander campaign to defame Liz Evangelatos Barney, a social media public information officer who…

Joe Munson Meets the Soda Creek Store

I have always thought of myself as an outlaw, not a criminal and as someone who tries not to be corrupt. Usually, people either run to me or run from me. That’s been as true…

Continental Cuisine

All emergency staff meetings at the tony French Laundromat bistro require mandatory attendance, but the latest meeting announcement was a picture of existential urgency. The first hint was that the meeting was called by the…

Scams & The City

You'd think government employees, especially high-ranking officials, would feel relatively fortunate. Their salaries are decent and they enjoy job security unavailable in the private sector. And yet, as 2020 ends, five San Francisco department heads…

If Only Trump Could Sing

Theodora was Handel’s penultimate oratorio and his least successful. The London premiere came in March of 1750, but the work closed after just three performances. English language sung dramas—oratorios—had enriched Handel in the period from…

The View from Lake County

County elected officials and the impacts of their actions (or inaction, in the case of a few, like Mendocino’s Dan Gjerde) reflect life-long ambitions and collaborations that the mostly oblivious or at least inattentive “public”…

Another Valley Vista

I have been admiring Brad Wiley's Valley Vistas articles. There are probably only a few readers of the AVA who will know most of the dizzying display of homesteads, ridges, creeks, ranches and characters mentioned…

Lockdown, Drought & The Election

You could see this coming a million miles away. Governor Gavin Newsom has by now established a pattern of telegraphing his next, immediate move. A few days preceding the action to be taken, he gives…
