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Posts published in “Essays”

Signal Ridge, Or Cold Springs Mountain: A Little History

Thanks to “Abhorrent in Albion” for the inspiration for this article (what a moniker, maybe not hiding your identity would be better than labeling yourself as abhorrent?). I often struggle to find topics to write…

Praetorius 400

February 15th marked the 400th anniversary of Michael Praetorius’s death. It passed without fanfare or flourish, though this musical titan was a master of both. His gifts served the devotional, but, from the intimate to…

The Mendocino County DA’s Office, a History (Part 1)

UKIAH - During the first half of the 1890's, JAMES EMMONS PEMBERTON served as Mendocino County District Attorney.  The terms in office at that time were two years and he served two terms (1891-1892, and…

The Villain Leshner

I don't know which chemicals are released in which parts of the brain, but there's a pleasurable rush when you find yourself in agreement with someone who has been observing the same scene from a…

Old Goats & The World Series

Buttercup was crying the other morning out in the corral. Well, actually, she was bleating. Because Buttercup is a really old rather broken down black and white horned pygmy goat. My “critter mom” “spidey senses”…

Shore Patrol School During WWII

When I was in charge of the Navy’s Shore Patrol battalion in Farragut, Idaho in 1944 I received a call from my commanding officer. He wanted to scold me because I had given permission to…

The Mendocino Outlaws

October, 1879 — Four men rode into the woods east of Mendocino. They unsaddled their horses then set up camp in an old hay shed. There they waited for their leader to bring supplies and…

A Big, Shiny, Hollow Puzzle

We’ve been hearing “change is good” for so long some of us believe it, but the more changes I see the more things get worse.  The newest and greatest improvements do not make for a…

First New Year, Floodgate Bar

New Year's Eve, 1971-2, my consort and my first in Anderson Valley.  We had moved here from San Francisco on April Fools Day, been in residence for nine months, had made a few friends among the…
