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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

Drones + No WMDs = ISIS

We have to destroy the planet in order to save it.

There’s A Spectre Haunting Earth… Cooperation and Decency!

Peru gifts Bolivia its own port on Pacific Ocean. Meanwhile, while wearing a custom hair shirt inspired by John Ashcroft's scrotal sack (see: Abu Gonzalez), Ben Carson reads the Bible while trying to not to get aroused during the crucifixion scenes.

A 45-Year Smoky Mountain Mystery

Six-year-old Dennis Martin vanished during a family camping trip, prompting the largest search in the history of the Great Smoky Mountains.

Gearoid O Colmain: Paris Attacks Serve New Global Order

More bombing means more terrorism means more oppression means more refugees means more slave labor for more multi-national sweatshops selling more things to make the world more absurd.

Fake Passports = Real Tragedy

Truth goes out window as spy agencies muddy waters in order to kill and steal some more.

Chelsea Manning Writes From Prison

American hero, Chelsea Manning, is in jail because, like a true patriot, he warned that the atrocious Iraq war leads to more atrocities in places like Paris and Beirut.
