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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

Fort Bragg Manhunt

Another take on the true crime drama chronicled in a fine volume written by the AVA's own Stephen Sparks and Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman in "Out There In The Woods."

The Revolution is How: Curry and Thompson as Marx, Engels and Lenin

As a sage once said: "In basketball, as in life, take who takes you." And if you can shoot like Stephen Curry or Klay Thompson, take every open 30-footer you can; but only after spending virtually every waking minute of your life practicing, not watching bro TV and eating bro buffalo wings.

More Real Hope, Less Obfuscating Dope

Put your putter down and free Snowden and Manning, Mr. President. As Martin Luther King said, "The time is always right to do what's right."

The Hungriest People in the World

More than 795 million people do not have enough food. So praise the goddess for Ukiah's new In-N-Out Burger.
