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Posts published by “Zack Anderson”

A Life Cleanse

Getting lost inside LA's boutique juice bars, hallucinogenic shaman rituals, and mysterious wellness retreats in search of the True Cult of Betterment.

Seneca on Immoral Spectacle

     "There is nothing so ruinous to good character as to idle away one's time at some spectacle. Vices have a way of creeping in because of the feeling of pleasure that it brings. Why…

The Tiger

Paradise is Burning

Smoke, heat, death and chaos: inside a California wildfire's deadly inferno.

A Rainbow after Long Storms

Wednesdays are paper days, which means I saddle up the creaking machine and roar north to pick up the weekly edition of sermons and secret maps

One Leaf Left on a Branch

"One leaf left on a branchand not a sound of sadnessor despair. One leaf lefton a branch and no unhappiness.One leaf left all by itselfin the air and it does not speakof loneliness or death.One…

Children of Ted

Two decades after his last deadly act of ecoterrorism, the Unabomber has become an unlikely prophet to a new generation of acolytes.
