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Posts published by “Todd Walton”


“If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ances­tors. All of them are…


Whilst discussing my hopes and expectations for the San Francisco Giants with Mark Scaramella, he sug­gested I try my hand at writing about disappointment. I…


A good story cannot be devised; it has to be dis­tilled.” — Raymond Chandler Before the advent of the interweb, I frequented librar­ies and secondhand…


I have never heard of a workshop for writers that teaches the efficacious use of sex to make it big in thea tre or publishing or the movie business, but any writer who has toiled in Hollywood or New York or in the out posts of those Babylons knows that sexual linkage to people in power is of paramount importance to success in The Biz; and anyone who denies this is either a phony or grossly naïve.


“Bodies devoid of mind are as statues in the market place.” — Euripides Have you ever seen Invasion of the Body Snatchers? I’m thinking particularly…

Meaning of Meaning

“A serious and good philosophical work could be writ­ten consisting entirely of jokes.” — Ludwig Wittgen­stein I first encountered the writing of Ludwig Wittgen­stein in…

Magical Thinking

“Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believ­ing in government and business.” — Tom Robbins Big game tonight, our Giants scrapping for first…

Art Rant

Books “Rae’s eyes were red and swollen. They sat on the couch side by side, in silence, waiting for the doctor.” from Crooked Little Heart…

Poor People

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” — Anne Frank On my way out to…

Men In Dresses

If I be not in a state of Grace, I pray God place me in it; If I be in it, I pray God keep…


“What at first was plunder assumed the softer name of revenue.” — Thomas Paine A mile inland from Highway One, the Comptche-Ukiah Road becomes a…
