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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

The Bear Lincoln Case Revisited

In the late afternoon of April 14, 1995, just over 20 years ago now, Arylis Peters shot and killed Gene Britton in the Covelo High School parking lot. Peters and Britton both had been drinking.…

Not Doing A Damn Thing About It

With dry conditions continuing across much of California, many of the State’s key fisheries are now at record low numbers and several species are in danger of extinction.

The Island Mountain Pot Bust

Notes from Friday afternoon’s press conference convened by Mendocino County Sheriff Tom Allman with participation from Humboldt County Sheriff Mike Downey and Trinity County Sheriff Bruce Haney and a Fish and Game spokesperson who together…

Stepping Up Into Mush

When the Board of Supervisors discussed new expenditures in next year’s County budget on Tuesday, June 16, Supervisor Dan Hamburg said that because County revenues have not fully recovered from the 2008 recession, he would…

AV Prepares For the Worst

Active Shooter, Drought, Earthquake, Hazmat, Pandemic, Wildland Fire, Winter Storm — what do all of these events have in common? Answer: Anderson Valley is ready for them. On paper. In theory. Last Wednesday night at…

Smash & Grab

Back in 2007 Supervisor Colfax lead the charge to raise the Board of Supervisors pay from an already generous $48,000 per year to $68,000 per year, Colfax justifying the raise. “When I came on the…

Count Down — Nobody Home

Back in December when the 2015 “Point In Time Count” of Mendo’s homeless population was first discussed, the minutes of the Count Committee meeting stated: “Point-in-Time/Survey Committee: Hand warmers, rain ponchos and snacks [aka “incentive packs” or “little incentive bags” — It seems the homeless didn't spend the measly five bucks “appropriately”] will be given out in place of the $5 incentive [“gift”] card for responding to the survey.
