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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Who Will Take The Fifth?

Not me. I’m waiving my rights. Let's go out on a limb and predict the outcome of the Fifth District Supervisorial Race on Tuesday. The…

The Meat Axe

The unlikely prospects for a tax-subsidized slaughterhouse.

Who the #$&% Is Teri Horton?

Teri Horton is a 70-something retired long-haul California truck driver who purchased an abstract painting from a thrift shop for $5 as a joke-gift for a friend…

Grandiose Plans

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, or CalFire, has announced plans to rebuild their fire station just off 128 southeast of Boonville. The…

Wayne’s World — $4,000 Worth

Mr. Wayne Schell's presentation to the Board of Supervisors at their May 17 “Economic Development Workshop” was called "The Ramblings of Wayne Schell. Mr. Wayne…

DA Candidates File Their Charges

They maintained a civil distance, but the three candidates for Mendocino County District Attorney made it clear they have serious differences.

Log Rustling, Fort Bragg Style

How an enterprising fisherman and timber worker lost almost half a million in lumber on the Mendo Coast.

Who’s In Charge?

Community Services District Manager Serina Wallace has suggested to the Community Services District board that they change the way they budget district operations. Instead of…

Health Care Crisis Hits Home

The unthinkable has been thunk. The supervisors discussed the elimination of healthcare coverage for County retirees under the age of 65.

Building A Bypass On Shifting Sands

"Little Lake Valley (town site of Willits) is an intermontane basin within the northern California Coast Ranges that contains a record of basin sedimentation and…
