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Posts published by “Mark Scaramella”

Major Contributor

Mendo’s New Homeless Plan

Thirty pages of extremely unreadable bureaucratic detail make up Mendo’s recently published and long-awaited “Strategic Plan to Address Homelessness in Mendocino County.” It was presented to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday for “Discussion and…

Swoosh? What Swoosh?

Fort Bragg City Manager Tabatha Miller wrote in this week’s report to her City Council: “What we don’t know is how long this recession will last. The thought that the recession length and depth would…


Former Ag Commissioner Diane Curry posted the following comment on the AVA’s website on Tuesday: “Remember back when the Cannabis Ordinance was just a sparkle in the County’s eyes? Our then Planning and Building head…

The Williams Problem

WE MENTIONED a few days ago that the Supes had actually created an ad hoc committee to prepare “Policies and procedures for placing items on BOS Agenda.” The obvious reason for such a committee was…
