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Posts published by “Katy Tahja”

Biggest Bear History Mystery

As a bookseller at Gallery Bookshop I recently had the pleasure of selling a 60 year old but ever-wonderful picture book called “The Biggest Bear” by Lynd Ward. As the grandparent buying this classic and…

200+ Schools in Mendocino County?

So an older man asks “My great-aunt told me years ago that when she was a kid she went to the Hiawatha and Minihaha schools in the north county. This was 100 years ago. Was she being truthful? Did these schools really exist and how did schools get named for poet Longfellow’s narratives?”

Mountain Outin’ To Yellowstone

There’s no sensation like being rocked to sleep in a berth on AMTRAK as the miles fly by to put a relaxing end to a vacation. The fact that the trip featured snow, rain, icicles,…

North To Alaska

After two weeks spent exploring the northlands I think the funniest thing I saw was a bumper sticker that said “I drove the Alaska Marine Highway!” Why funny? The Alaska Marine Highway is a ferry…

Lost & Found At Burning Man

While many writers take to print and electronic media to pooh-pooh Burning Man with pronouncements about false values and carbon footprints and financing I personally question whether they have ever actually attended the event.

Berry Picking

There’s nothing like indulging in the late summer pastime of roadside berry picking to renew your appreciation for the free bounty of edibles Mother Nature provides us with, coming from the invasive species Himalaya Blackberries.…
