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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Off The Record

This Week: A shake up at SEIU; Jim Gibbons tries to finish something; defunding the anti-pot warriors; and much more

Letters To The Editor

OBAMA UNMASKED Dear brothers and sisters, Please, for just a moment, pretend you have not been brainwashed by Barack Obama, or by folks like Timothy…

Life With The Lifers

AVA, This is Tony B., still at San Quentin Hotel, Resort and Spa (SQHRS), live with the lifers, still having a great time. I am…

Valley People

THE EDITOR is away from his desk on medical leave of the non-serious but mildly debilitating type he describes as “old guy stuff.” He worries…

Off The Record

This week: Crusties, Kitties & Tweekers in Point Arena; Deputy CEO Kristi Furman abruptly reassigned; James Sanderson, meet DSK; and much more

Let Lifers Handle The Money

Dear AVA, This is Tony B. live from San Quentin. I've been busy, in case you guys have been wondering. I finally made it out…

Letters To The Editor

YES ON BOOKS Editor, “Vote Yes on Libraries” Campaign Begun The countywide “Vote Yes on Libraries” campaign committee announced the start of its active organizing…

Valley People

RUTH HANES LOGASA has died. Mrs. Logasa, 95, was the last surviving member of the original Hanes family of the sprawling Hanes Ranch west of…

Off The Record

This Week: Operation Full Court Press; Labor talks on the rocks; Smith & Hamburg state the obvious; and much more
