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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Letters (May 6, 2015)

Today is Earth Day and I'm still in a state of shock after attending the Mendocino County Board of Supervisors meeting yesterday concerning the use of the herbicide imazapyr to destroy the noncommercial tanoak, madrones and shrubs by the Mendocino Redwood Company.

Off the Record (May 6, 2015)

EXPECT a recall petition to be filed against Fort Bragg mayor Dave Turner. There is huge anger at the present 3-2 domination of the Fort Bragg City Council by Turner, Doug Hammerstrom and Scott Dietz,…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, May 6, 2015

GJ Blasts PA Schools;
Ukiah Costco Delays;
Apparent Suicide;
Forgivable Loan on Shaky Ground;
Starhawk's Honorarium;
Catch of the Day;
Water Conservation Goals Unmet;
Electric-vehicle Stations;
Borodin/Cohen Concerts

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Grateful Pardinis;
Navarro Mystery;
Drought Map;
Charter Project;
Kitten Season;
Mendo Flu;
Catch of the Day;
A Kick;
Lonely Parade;
Speaking English;
Higher Education;
Cop Show;
TPP Debate;
FOER Celebration;
Presidential Candidates

Mendocino County Today: Monday, May 4, 2015

Regulating MRC;
Firefighting Nightmare;
Property Upgrades;
Salmon Season;
Public Business;
Larry Lombard;
Michael Williams;
Water Trough Open;
Slug Gardening;
Rejecting Austerity;
Yesterday's Catch;
Two Suns;
Quake Swarm;
Loser Wins;
KZYX Redo;
More Pot Plants;
Foodshed Newsletter;
Whistleblower Interview

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, May 3, 2015

County Charter;
Maypole Dance;
Resident Deputy;
Fixing KZYX;
Recalling Turner;
Princess What's-her-name;
Catch of the Day;
Fire Studies;
Bassler Episode;
Barn Chapel;
BS Mountain;
Compensatory Cashflow;
Willits Planning;
Marco Radio

Rubber Ducky Race & BBQ

Come enjoy the 25th Great Rubber Ducky Race and BBQ in Westport Sunday May 10th. It is held at the Westport Beach RV Park and Campground just north of the village. This family-oriented event features…

Mother’s Day Maker Space

On Saturday, May 9th, 1:00-3:30 pm the Mendocino County Library, Ukiah Branch, is hosting a Mother’s Day Maker Space: Come and create charming Thumbprint Heart Pendants, the perfect gifts for all the special mothers in…

Mendocino County Today: Saturday, May 2, 2015

Loretta Hospitalized;
Dude Fest;
Backwards Tickets;
Yesterday's Catch;
Woodhouse Irony;
Madam Starhawk;
Foodshed News;
Weed Water;
Government Impunity;
Warren v Clinton;
Bobblehead Radio;
Spent Left;
Serial Commas;
School Power;
Tunnels Plan;
Michael Recycle;
Cancer Resource;
Westport Duckies
