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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Initiative Qualifies;
Modern Pilgrims;
Pot Tax;
Dogwood THP;
Rural Living;
Foster Pets;
Art Fair;
Wine Constraint;
Village Delay;
Yesterday's Catch;
Symbolic Representative;
Peterson Pleads;
Jazz Shows;
W Appears;
Early Elk;
Mendocino Coast;
Revolution Undermined;
Brown Talks;
Wildfire Preparedness;
Stock Buyback

Letters (July 13, 2016)

I found out late last night that due to a lack of ticket sales and substantial sponsorship our producer Chad Rea is cancelling the Cannabis Country Fair. We apologize for the late notice, but he continued the effort until the last possible moment only to reach an impasse.

Off the Record (July 13, 2016)

AS BERNIE goes over to Hillary and establishes himself as one of our doomed country's more spectacular sell-outs, there's nothing left to say other than…

Reopen Dimmick Day

[Jul 24] We are the Anderson Valley Service Learning Team — a student-led community service group whose current mission is to reopen Paul Dimmick Campground…

Hopland Terpestival

[Jul 23] You don't have to go to a faraway conference to hear Drs. Ethan Russo, Michelle Sexton, Greg Gerdeman and other experts discussing terpenes…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Hare Creek;
Wolfe Attack;
Delmore Book;
Bern Capitulation;
Ugly Time;
Foster Drugs;
Wildflower Motel;
Cookie Encounter;
Groundwater Meeting;
Winery Limit;
Thistle Picking;
Yesterday's Catch;
Drug Madness;
Madam Grifter;
Hillary Defense;
November Surprise;
Social Mayhem;
Humco Settlement;
Uncle Sam;
Urban Frontier;
Library Events;
Sacto Vigil;
Ball Concert;
CPUC Hearing;
Sun Prints;
PA Mime;
Clinton Scandal

Mendocino County Today: Monday, July 11, 2016

Alton Sterling;
Mendo GJ Summary Report;
McEwen's Influence;
Advocacy Journalism;
Catch of the Day;
Alpha Dog;
Troubled Garbage Hauler;
Love Someone;
Eugene McDonald Interview;
Whitey on the Moon;
Oust Wasserman Schultz

Mendocino Music Festival

[Jul 9-23] Established in 1986, the Mendocino Music Festival was the dream of Allan Pollack, Susan Waterfall and former principal bassoonist of the San Francisco…

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, July 10, 2016

Navarro Assault;
Hospital Meeting;
Trail Experience;
Cannabis Tax;
Humco Permits;
Yesterday's Catch;
Lesser Evilism;
Hungry Vultures;
Truthful Politics;
Scientific Consensus;
King Tom;
Marco Radio;
Philadelphia Resolve;
Library Events;
Tunnels Tax

Progressive Alliance Meeting

[Jul 20] As you may know, the Bernie Revolution persists. The Mendocino Coast Folks for Bernie just isn’t ready to let go or go away.…
