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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

MCT: Saturday, July 27, 2019

Logo Sentenced;
Weekend Heat;
Jazz Night;
PG&E Concerned;
Marijuana Raids;
Fruit Ripens;
Asphalt Fast-Track;
Sheetrocked Firehouse;
Velma's Open;
SEIU Protest;
Hydrant Geyser;
Suitor Rejected;
Underpaid Attorneys;
Canned Wine;
Yesterday's Catch;
Hillary Meddling;
Mueller Letdown;
Hippy Murders;
Pablo Poisoned;
Chaotic Reality;
Far Left;
Junk Email;
You're Mad;
Useful Idiot;
Protecting Trump;
Bad Letters;
Dem Reputation;
Moon Welcome;
Social Work;
Momma Mia;
Fuente Show;
Already Failing;
Powerful Chanting;
Found Object

MCT: Friday, July 26, 2019

Hot Inland;
Missing Lineman;
Victor Delgado;
Not Guilty;
Grewal Gone;
Time Changes;
Wilma Mows;
Healthcare Woes;
Old Timers;
Missouri-Mendo Connection;
Giving Up;
Tommy's Joynt;
Cannabis Concerns;
Yesterday's Catch;
Lew Welch;
Flashing Lights;
Third-World Solutions;
Ten Suggestions;
Today's Standards;
New Ideas;
Biggest Threat;
Slovic's Body;
Quiet Please;
Gabbard v Google;
2020 Olympics;
Found Object

Mendo Startups

[Aug 25] Startup Mendocino: Competition Gala encourages innovation — On Sunday, August 25, from 3 to 6 p.m., West Business Development Center will host a Startup Mendocino Competition Gala Event at Mendocino College Theater in…

MCT: Thursday, July 25, 2019

Power Outage;
Quiz Noche;
Devil-Weed Sweep;
Dead Meat;
Mimi Loco;
Match Head;
Substantive Reporting;
Flo Fleener;
Economic Indicators;
Hapless Party;
Yesterday's Catch;
Whale Mourn;
Negative Tax;
Farmhouse Gone;
Three Sticks;
Insect Count;
Horned Lark;
Pancake Breakfast;
Benefit Concert;
Spirit Walk;
Found Object

Cancer Fundraiser

[Aug 24] Pure Mendocino, a celebration of local, organic food and wine at Dark Horse Ranch, Ukiah on Saturday, August 24, 2019 from 5 to 10 p.m. Purchase tickets online through Eventbrite, or phone: 707-937-3833…

Letters (July 24, 2019)

I'm writing about this current fad of women, usually younger women but not always, wearing what are called yoga pants

Creative Writing Workshop

[Aug 24] If you are a teen and an aspiring writer, now is the time to hone in your talents at the Ukiah Library! Natasha Yim will be running a creative writing workshop for ages…

Off the Record (July 24, 2019)

CONGRESSWOMAN OMAR, chatting with Rachel Maddow the other day, said Trump "is the worst president we've ever had." Nope. By any objective standard, Andrew Johnson was a lot worse, especially for black people. Succeeding the…
