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Posts published by “AVA News Service”

Mendocino County Today: Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021

Dry Gusts | Single Case | Marijuana Enforcement | Boonville Hotel | Calendulas | Welcomed & Ignored | Maillard House | Small Claims | Maillard Ranch | Carmel's Choice | Vaccine Appointments | Mo Listens | McFarland Trucking | Graffiti Abatement | Castle Toilet | MacKerricher Sand | Bikers | Ed Notes | Under Arrest | Sheriff Reports | Yesterday's Catch | Racist Nation | Beggarvision | Yosemite People | Public Education | Writer Writing | Bigger Slice | Minimum Wage | Capitalism Failing | Why Pay | Lost Tourist | Two Founders

80 Vaccination Slots Available

Adventist Health has 80 slots left for Willits tomorrow, February 25, 9am - 2pm. Persons ages 65 and older and those who are turning 65 this year. Reach out to your inland friends. Please do…

Mendocino County Today: Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2021

Mild Afternoon | 5 New Cases | County Sues McCowen | FB High | Vaccination Updates | Lawrence Ferlinghetti | Ed Notes | Book Launch | Hailey Missing | Changing Light | Noyo Fishermen | Jolly Boat | Heart Health | Camp Navarro | Flu v Covid | Logging JDSF | Ten Mile | Caregivers Needed | Yesterday's Catch | Propagandistic Reporting | Harbor Construction | Oligarch Divide | Happy Biker | Fish Extinction | Disliking Truth | Mama's Boy | I Am Waiting | OLM | Long Jihad | Twisted Tree | Watching Baseball | Sugar Beating | Defending Fox

Off the Record (February 24, 2021)

MILL CREEK is a Ukiah feeder stream to the Russian River. Used to be lush with fish, running down out of the west hills, across the valley floor and on into the rushin' Russian. These…

Letters (February 24, 2021)

I continue to see articles about vaccines going to vineyard workers and referring to them as agriculture workers. Don’t vineyard workers work outside and have the ability to wear masks?

Valley People (February 24, 2021)

BOONVILLE/AV FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA has 2 FFA members earning their California State FFA Degree this year. This is the highest award given in the California FFA. Congratulations Kaitlin Espinoza and Alex Tovar! WELL, that…

Mendocino County Today: Tuesday, Feb. 23, 2021

Warm Day | 4 New Cases | Vaccine Priorities | Jack Sweeley | Seaplane Crash | Flaky Valentine | Disappearing Elders | Fetid Adderstongue | PA Poet | Diamond D | Ed Notes | Yesterday's Catch | Crass Limbaugh | Willits Snow | Aloe Email | Bitter Heart | Modern Art | Medicare Maze | Crosskeys Tavern | College Resignation | Little Lakers | Wildfire Resilience | Can Opener | Feel Important | Dem Zoom | Mountain Goat | American Dreamers | Mad Brute | Home Focus | Fit Man | Normal Human | Comments | Help Him | Witnessless | Gringo Cruz | Texas Mess | Unity's Sake | Woke Crusade | Found Objects

Mendocino County Today: Monday, Feb. 22, 2021

Drier Weather | 3 New Cases | Vaccination Difficulties | Wear Masks | Abhorrent Response | Grandma Food | Raskin Zoombombed | Gray Owl | CSD News | SF Resident | DA Pemberton | Tenderloin Campers | Food Hub | Viking Helmet | Ed Notes | Navarro Sunset | Ag Virus | Pioneer Women | 10% Bad | Logger Men | Inmate Fraud | Willits Depot | NCRA Railbanking | Not Eureka | Gravy Trail | Yesterday's Catch | Mighty White | Getting Loster | About Outworking | Murdering Malcolm | Biker Man | Smallpox Story

Mendocino County Today: Sunday, Feb. 21, 2021

Drier Weather | 2 New Cases | Ted Questions | Hellish Times | Not Fun | Pet Spot | Boonville 1908 | Willits 1907 | Albion 1900 | Fjords Smorg-ette | Cannabis Shuffle | Steam Ferryboat | Ed Notes | Champion Deschamps | Zoom Raskin | Kelp Restoration | Disaster Recovery | Vichy Springs | Yesterday's Catch | Senior Trip | Truly Essential | Too Nice | Market Barter | Cable Mergers | Human Defeat | BOS Letters | Gone Forever | Hulk Deep | Serial Falsehoods | Old Fellow | MK-Ultra | Cruz Epiphany | Marco Radio | Mendocino Sky
